Do It Now List

It has come to my attention that I procrastinate things that I have forethoughts about.  I put something on a list.  Look at it.  Fear the outcome, the time spent, or the unknown…whatever it is…I think about it.  As of now, I am erasing the “To Do List” and creating the “Do It Now List.”

With the DIN List, I will not allow myself to THINK.  Overthinking stops here.  It is useless and it hurts…it doesn’t help.  It allows the uncertain to be entertained.  It allows us to subconsciously decide to AVOID what it is that needs to be done. 

Yes, we HAVE to exercise.  It is not a choice.  If we lived in the time of the cavemen, we would work off our calories.  But, we don’t.  We sit for a living.  We become slugs for a living.  

Just do it.  Thanks Nike.  They mean don’t think about it.  Get it done. 

You want chicken tenders for lunch, but you NEED grilled chicken (thanks to Chris Brogan for bringing this to my attention :)).  Don’t THINK. 

Just eat it. Thanks Weird Al.  🙂  Anyway, food is overrated…we only need it to survive, not to enjoy.  Pleasure comes from experiences not taste.

Starting today, throw away your To Do List and consistently work on your Do It Now List and watch your productivity, your health, your accomplishments soar.  (Dang you, bald eagle.)


What is on your To Do List that you keep procrastinating?  What if you don’t give it a second thought and put it on your Do It Now List?  Will you get it done? 

© Tania Dakka and Chaotic Musing, 2011