Using the Law of Attraction and Intention to Create Your Reality

Credit: mmc154 via Flickr

The Law of Attraction is simple: Like attracts like.  Whether good or bad. 

If we want to attract good, the decision is ultimately ours. 

What kind of like are you attracting?

How we talk is a manifestation of what we think.  How we act is a manifestation of how we talk.  Why not think, talk, and act successfully? (Success is relative, of course, but I love Ralph Waldo Emerson’s definition to the left 🙂 )

Belief is the basis for what we think

If we believe that we are rock stars, we think, talk, and act as rock stars.  If we believe that we are unworthy of status, we elicit behaviors that sabotage our attempts at success.

We are manifestations of our beliefs. 

That’s great as long as we believe in the true Soul that we are and not in our own skewed vision of Self.  

Does Self stand in our way?

With writing, I often find my Self throwing up resistance (in the form of procrastination by spending too much time on Twitter, my Google Reader, Facebook, etc 🙂 ) at every peek at success(i.e. finishing a piece or making headway on the novel)…my Self is my roadblock.

If beliefs are aligned with the reality of Soul, then Self will not get in the way. 

Can we change our beliefs?  Yes, by changing what we say and reversing the order of the manifestations mentioned above. 

Is it easy?

No.  It isn’t easy, but if we are MINDFUL, if we are living INTENTIONally , then we set a course to rewire our hard drives to think in ways that bring about positive change and attract the results we want. 

Jane Roberts says, “You create your own reality.”

Our thinking dictates our environment

If we want change, we have to create that change. 

We have to define Self (who are we?).  Connect our dots(bring all of our roles to an intersecting point).  Connect to Other (family, friends, etc), in order to complete the image of our reality that we want to bring about. 

We all have strengths.  We all have gifts.  We have to listen to Soul and recognize those strengths and gifts.  Use positive Self Talk that we may or may not hear consciously (oftentimes, our actions manifest our beliefs more loudly than our words do, but that is another post 🙂 ). 

Listen to Soul.  Define who you are.  Consider your reality.  Create it. 

Transform your chaos and order your cosmos by seeing Self for its beauty, defining the reality you want, and setting your INTENTION for positive bounty through the Law of Attraction. 

What are your  Soul gifts?  How can you set your intention to make your reality the best reality it can be? 

Thanks for visiting my home on the web 🙂

© Tania Dakka and Chaotic Musing, 2011

Fitness is Not a Number

Credit: Jeff_Golden via Flickr

Do you gauge how you feel by the number on the scale?  Does it make you feel better or worse?

You know what, Soul does NOT care about that number.  Soul delights when it is fed well.  Feeding it well involves taking time and energy to nourish it–Soulularly and cellularly.  If you spend one week ONE DAY eating the way nature intended (what commercial is that from??), Body will repay you in Soul.  You will feel a lightness (even if you haven’t lost anything but sludge) at the end of the day.  And if you LISTEN to your body, you will want to do it again the next day. 

Listening means giving Body a chance to express itself

You have to ask Body what it needs.  And you have to pay attention to the answers.  Then, do what it asks.  It’s that simple.  So often, we run through our day on autopilot that we don’t take time to hear what our bodies are telling us.  They need nourishment. Nourishment is not found in the freezer section(unless it is the veggies) or the canned aisle (frozen veggies are more nutritious than canned).  Listen to what Body wants and feed it.  Not your mouth.

Your mouth is the only thing asking for CHEMICALS

Food scientists have managed to manufacture our foods to the point that what we buy off the shelves isn’t even food anymore.  It is a collection of well combined chemicals mixed to give our mouths that “party in the mouth” feeling that Renee Stephens talks about at Inside Out Weight Loss.  She contends that aligning your mind with your stomach will allow you to lose weight effortlessly.  She is right.  If you feed Body according to its NEEDS, then you will stop eating when you are satisfied, not when it is overstuffed.  You will eat what makes Body feel good.  Sometimes that “party in the mouth” is a difficult invitation to turn down.  But, by being MINDFUL  (hahaha I love it 😀 ), you can happily decline said invite and rejoice in Body AND Soul when your meal of whole, healthful foods is the host instead the rotten chemicals.  

Fitness is how well we let go of extra details and focus on the outcome

If fitness is defined as a state of being fit, it is applicable to more than Body. When we stop minding the numbers, Body and Soul take care of Self.  It isn’t just about losing weight or eating healthy.  This applies to everything in our lives. Make Mind, Body, and Soul fit by listening and responding accordingly.  Be MINDFUL of your actions, as well as your surroundings, and how they make you feel…stick to those activities, people, foods, etc. that make Mind, Body, and Soul feel good.

What is it that you feel when you stand on the scale?  Sit down at your laptop?  Visit with that whiny friend that never has any good to say?  I love to hear from you…how can you get the most out of Mind, Body, and Soul?

© Tania Dakka and Chaotic Musing, 2011

15 Steps to Sustaining Soul


Credit: Davide101 via Wiki Commons

At Soul’s core is a single point. We will call it Pivot Point. It is the essence of Self. From it radiates all Facets of who we are (mama, wife, father, son, brother, sister, all of our roles).

To be the best of all our Selfs, they each need nourishing and nurturing. Yet, there is precious little time for that sort of care. When we consider all that has to be done in a day’s time, there is rarely enough time to feed our bodies, much less all of our Elements. So we must find a way to cultivate them efficiently.

By tending to Pivot Point, we tend Facets of Self. They are nourished and become open to receive and accept all events that occur throughout the day that contribute to their care.

Consider that you have a Magnificent Mama Moment. That Plane accepts and engrains that moment and uses it as food. It blossoms and then grows. Perhaps you have an Excellent Employee Episode, that plane is then fed and nourished…ready for blooming.  Positive  events are Soul Sustenance.

It is cyclical. By fertilizing Pivot Point of Soul, Elements of Self are primed for top performance. Those performances fuel Soul to flower into the most exotic Self.

Dr. Claudia Welch, author of Balance Your Hormones, Balance Your Life, says there are 15 steps to a relaxing daily routine.

I contend that these 15 steps are not just to relaxation, but to nourishment. They are a necessary components of nurturing and nourishing Pivot Point of Soul.

1. Get up PREdawn (same time daily).

2. Clean your face, mouth, tongue.

3. Drink a glass of warm water.

4. Eliminate.

5. Refresh the eyes with cooling salve

6. Gargle with warm salt water and use a neti pot to cleanse the respiratory system of sludge from the environment.

7. When you have mindfully prepared your body, then take time to meditate or pray for 15 minutes to an hour.

(Experience the calm. The quiet. Let Body, Mind, and Soul be immersed in the collective serenity. Feel complete. Don’t rush through this part.)


8. Self-massage the body with warm oil. If you don’t have time for an honest massage, at least apply the oil to calm the nervous system.

9. Bathe and dress.

(Be Mindful throughout your routine. Don’t let the days events enter your thought processes yet.)


10. Briskly walk for 30 mins. and follow that with light yoga for 5-10 mins.

11. Do 5 – 15 mins of alternate nostril breathing.

(Now, you may calmly consider what it is that you need to do for the day. Make a list. USE it.)

Notes to help make the day run smoothly:

12. Cook for the day.

13. Eat your meals at the same time everyday.

14. Spend the evening quieting the mind and preparing a to-do list for tomorrow.

15. Sleep at the same time everyday.

While the list seems long and, perhaps daunting, it actually doesn’t take as long as it sounds. With a little prep work (like a menu and a Nourishment Chart Open-mouthed smile), you will be soaring through it in no time.

Think of this as Special Time for Soul. We know that Special Time for our children (see details of that here) works wonders, think of what Special Time for you can do.



Commit to managing this routine for one month. (Be sure that you are MINDFUL that this is YOUR SPECIAL TIME and be MINDFUL through each step.) Then, have a conversation with Soul and see how it feels. Without a doubt Soul will be more satisfied and will be thanking you through all your Facets.

What can you add to this routine to make it more personal?

© Tania Dakka and Chaotic Musing, 2011